Sunday Link Roundup

So I’ve decided to dedicate one post each week to sharing all the awesome things I read elsewhere on the Internet. Hopefully I actually remember to do this each week. 🙂

1. On the benefits of psychiatric labels. I’ve written about this before, but this blogger says it beautifully: “My labels have freed me to live in better harmony with the person I wish to be.”

2. On sexual harassment as an exercise of power.

3. On casual sex and how, for some people, it’s just not that great. I can really relate to this.

4. On “Straight White Male” is the lowest difficulty setting in life. This super-controversial post uses video games as a metaphor for privilege. It’s been accused of ignoring issues like class, but I think we can all agree that Metaphors Are Imperfect.

5. On the (in)visibility of bisexuality. Also, everything else on this blog is fantastic.

6. On Mitt Romney as a bully. I wrote about this too, but this post explores more facets of the story. “The fact that so many responses to Romney’s abuse categorise it as pranking or fun rather than bullying says a lot about why this country has such a big bullying problem. The refusal to identify what he did as wrong, and to connect the dots on what it means politically, speaks to dangerous social attitudes.”

7. Last but not least, this blogger dedicated an entire post to why my blog is awesome. Needless to say, I feel really really special. 😀

3 thoughts on “Sunday Link Roundup

  1. I actually think the “Straight White Male” post did a pretty good job of addressing class by mentioning a theoretical random generation of stats. Basically, what he said amounted to “If your character is created with more wealth, it’s obviously going to be easier than a character with less wealth. But a straight white male character is still going to have an easier time than a different character of an equivalent wealth level.”

  2. Visited (and read some of) your blog thanks to #7 listed above.

    All of the links were great but my favorite post was the “Straight White Male” post. I think that’s a great way of explaining this privilege.

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